Tuesday, 21 February 2017

The Chief

So how long have you been doing this? The whole, you know, talking to yourself bit? A year! Wow, that's a long time. But then again, you might not be remembering correctly? Right? You said yourself that you have an unreliable memory. So I'm thinking it could have been a year or it could have been longer. It's hard to keep track of these things when you have a bad memory. Anyway, for now, for the purposes of this conversation, we'll just say it's been a year. Agreed?  

And how did it start? I see. Okay, so you were just, um, muttering shit to yourself, externalising your thoughts? Like people do. A word here and a word there. No big deal. Just....what? Oh totally. There is nothing wrong with the odd word slipping out, I mean we all have inner monologues, but I guess all those little words started to add up. They became sentences, correct? And then, before you knew it, you were talking to yourself. Yak yak yak....Blah blah blah, your thoughts coming out unfiltered in fully articulated sentences which, in itself, is not such a bad thing, is it? I mean, come on...where is the harm? Who are you hurting? Right? No one. People talk into their damn phones all day, don't they? On the bus, on street corners, in traffic, they yap away into their little phones. And who knows? I mean, do we have proof they are actually talking to someone else on the other end? No, we do not! I agree. But I guess society frowns on people for openly talking to themselves without the phone. Society doesn't like the unfiltered verbalisation of one's innermost thoughts. It scares people, that's the thing. 'They' would prefer for you to keep it all bottled up inside. Like that's a healthy solution. Give me a break. Are you joking? All these people walking around with their heads and hearts about to explode, full of these toxic thoughts and ideas. 'They' think that's healthy? Yeah, right.   

And so how or when did you first become aware that you were talking to yourself? Really? Albert told you? Ha ha ha. 'Huston we have a problem!', did he say something like that? Okay....yep....well you guys do spend a lot of time together, don't you? Day and night pretty much. Probably more time than you spend with your wife, right? And how did you respond, when Albert mentioned this so-called 'problem'? I see. Well, I don't blame you. I mean it must have been a real shock, being called out like that. Being asked to doubt your own mental competence? I couldn't even imagine. What? Albert? Noooooo....Albert is one of the good guys. And he's smart. Doesn't miss a trick that one. Personally, I have complete confident in Albert's judgement. No. No. You're not hearing me. What I am saying is, I really don't think he has 'an agenda' other than his loyalty to this country, you know, to our country. That is my honest assessment. What? Okay, I mean, sure, point taken, everyone has an agenda in some way or another. What I'm saying is I think Albert can be trusted. That's all. 

Anyway, back to the......so Albert noticed you sitting there, by yourself, mumbling up a storm early one morning in Air Force One, as you were skimming over the clouds, the sun just beginning to crack the horizon. Oh, okay, you didn't mention insomnia before. So let me get this straight now. On top of everything else, you couldn't sleep? Wow! You had insomnia, intense job pressure and the pain meds all compromising the clarity of your thinking, is that about the size of it? Yep. Yep. It's obvious man. The more spaced out you got, the more you talked to yourself in an attempt to stay on script. Any fool could see that. Anyway, Albert confronted you. He told you he was concerned, that this constant self-talking was a very troubling development. And understandably you felt betrayed. It hurt your ego, didn't it? You don't want to be perceived as weak. As unreliable. Some doddering old fool. And after that, word got around the camp fire. Sure it did. Word always 'gets around', even in a supposedly controlled hierarchy like ours. That's the nature of this beast. Dominance through competition. People don't get this far up the chain unless they have something fiercely competitive inside them. No one is content with their slot. They all want to keep moving up. They may not be conscious of the disloyal and at times treasonous impulses that inhabit their hearts but make no mistake, these impulses are inherent to their nature. On some basic level, these people relish the chance of destabilisation. They crave it. 

And it's not like you could very well hide all the self-talking. You are a high profile guy, right? Cameras flashing in your face. News crews. Interviews. Top clearance security briefings dealing with sensitive information. Am I right? It wasn't like you were hearing voices, were you? Well, no, not at first. You were simply keeping your own council, right? Sort of acting as your own advisor. Advising yourself in the moment. And really, if you can not trust yourself, the voice inside, then what? I'll tell you what: you're nowhere. You're done. You're finished. What? No, no. Not at all Sir. I thought you understood....I'm on your side, all the way.   

Alright, alright...the point is Albert was concerned with all the supposedly unacceptable self-talking because as your Military Aid, he had The Football, correct? That was his primary responsibility, to guard and make the codes available to you. And I believe, combined with the muttering, there was that 'insistent' when you attempted to rush Albert and initiate the ICMB's, deviating from the procedure. Is that correct? Actually, if we're being truthful here, there were several 'incidents' in which you forcefully 'requested' the football because you wanted to initiate the ICMBs. Even though there were no reported provocations from the countries that we currently consider to be a potential military or political threat. Okay, okay, I hear you. Your actions were predicated on a 'gut feeling'. You felt that 'something was up', that the intelligence they were drip-feeding you was fake. Bogus. Yes. From your perspective, you felt this creeping threat on an instinctual level. Like a shadow in an empty room.  

What's that Sir? Well yes...I totally agree....at the end of the day, you are the President. The leader of the Free World. The big enchilada. In theory, you should be able to get your hands on the party favours whenever you damn well want to. Fuck'n A Sir, I totally agree. And so what if you were talking to yourself? Who cares? Like we have been saying all along, lots of people talk to themselves. Yak, yak, yak! What you're telling me is, our country needs to be protected from its enemies! Simple as that. That is the crucial issue here. Everything else is incidental. And really, sometimes you have to go with the preemptive option. People forget that. They do. They don't want to deal with the hard decisions. They think it's all folk songs and low-fat soy lattes. After college, most people in this world simply want to mentally check out, play ethical Monday night quarterback from the sidelines as they blindly follow the predetermined consumer paths the media and the pharmaceutical companies have laid out for them. This is the safe route. I get it. Yep. Yep. What you're saying is, they don't understand what someone like you, the President, has to endure on a daily basis. The burden. The pressure. My god! They certainly don't understand how the information is distorted, how the very fabric of reality is manipulated. No sir. If they did acquire the level of understanding you have, it would shatter their little minds. Truly it would. 

Anyway....so you were talking to Albert?......Oh, okay, I did not realise that....now you're saying it was all a test? Okay, that makes sense. So you were just testing Albert? Right, so you just wanted to see if you really had access to the codes...the Biscuit....and therefore, if you still had the capability to initiate. Ha ha ha....yeah, well....you're absolutely right. There is no point having a loaded gun if you can't use it. Well said. And so his response was....? Oh, okay, he questioned you. He questioned your motives and then, finally your mental state. Albert had the balls to ask why you wanted the codes. No, you're right, technically speaking, as the Commander-in-chief, he should not be questioning you. He should defer to you in that situation. His job is to: 
A. to establish authenticity and then 
B. follow your orders in regards to either initiating the codes or to stand down. Fuck'n A Sir. 

What's that? Well now....that's different. Ha ha ha ha ha. So now you're saying you did intend to nuke the world. Wow. I didn't realise that. Okay, well that might be viewed as....something different altogether. If you don't mind me asking, what was the....um....thinking behind this plan? I mean, do you think that destroying the plant was that good of an idea? Personally, I can't really see how taking that kind of drastic action would 'help humanity'. Okay. So what you're saying is, you feel that the nuclear purge was a valid solution to....America's problems. Okay, so you wanted to wipe out the Middle East, Russia, China, Northern Africa. Of course, I mean, you're right, there are some very bad people in all of those countries. Terrible individuals. And you simply wanted to lay down the law with a decisive strike, turning these places into parking lots. Just go ahead and level them the fuck out. These places that cause us so much god-darn trouble in recent times. Why not? Just turn their government officials and their military into shadows on the wall. Simple as that. What? Affirmative Sir. I get that, you were tired of all the messing around. Like your Daddy always said, diplomacy is more often than not a process of assuming the weaker position. Eventually, you have to concede. And that's when they bend you over a barrel, pull your pants down. You! The President! The Commander-in-chief! You are expected to suffer these indignities, to deal with some little oily despot with tin stars pinned to his chest. Tin stars that his crooked uncle awarded him for no good reason other than he originated from his daddy's ball sack. Seriously? Are you kidding me? And your response? You said, No Sir! No more of that! You were through playing nice. And then what? I mean what was supposed to happen after you deployed the ICMBs? Oh.....okay, so then you were gonna send our boys in to claim the assets. Of course. It's so damn simple! Yes. I see. No more messing around. Nuke and pillage. I like your thing on this Sir. If you're gonna be an empire....be an empire for Pete's sake! Be strong. If you have to revert to a 'necessary evil' then do it! Don't pussyfoot around. Do it! What's that? So you're saying, right after that thing in Japan, with the first bomb, you're saying we lost our balls? It does make you think. Why did we invest all that time and money into developing all these great weapons when we don't even use them?  

What's that? Oh yeah, there is....there was....a slight problem with this approach. If you did nuke these areas, these countries, you can't very well send in our men to commandeer oil production, right? I mean, look at Fukushima. Look at Chernobyl. Look at the mess those accidents made. The damage to the infrastructure and the environment. The displacement of the population. The radiation working its way into the.....I'm sorry? No, I'm just trying to get my head around....Oh, okay. You're saying, it would have been manageable, that it was no big deal. Pull the trigger and deal with the consequences afterwards. We'll just get the military boys suited up and get them to work. Gas masks and shovels.  

Anyway, what with all the talking to yourself and attacking Albert and the memos you sent out in the middle of the night....people started getting worried. They just didn't get it. Jesus christ on a bike, you tried to explain your vision to these....these flunkies, to make them understand and it didn't work. Sometimes, even when you lead the horse to water and shove its head down, it still won't drink, right? 

Anyway, in response to this, they sent in the three damn headshrinkers. Or as you like to call them, The Three Stooges. And together you all had several long, long discussions. Pointless discussions really, is what you called them. The whole thing, a total waste time. No, no...I understand, I do. You could have been using that time for much more important things. It must have felt like......right.....like being followed around by efficiency experts. Mental efficiency experts, Carl, Tom and Zach, your personal shrink ghosts dressed in tweed with their little notepads. Oh sure, I would have felt exactly the same. It must have been a completely unacceptable intrusion. I understand that. Definitely. Anyone would have felt the same, being questioned and probed like that. And then? Then they went behind your back and gave their little reports to the Vice President who until that time, you thought was a pretty stand-up guy. Not so! No! There was no loyalty there. No sir. Obviously, the VP was gunning for your slot. Of course, he was. Are you kidding me? He was right there, waiting in the wings for you to stumble, to fall.

Right, yeah, so you decided to cool off on the whole eyeing-up-the-football thing, play it cool. Pretend like you didn't have a care in the world. Sure thing. That's the way to do it. Just ignore 'em. Even though there was obviously something very wrong, something screwy, you just ignored them. One thing is for sure, you can't trust anyone anymore. Sorry? Oh....so you have begun to question everything including the validity your subjective experience. Is that what do you mean when you said, everything feels a little bit shoddy, a bit amateur, like you're in a high school theatrical production? Interesting. Yes. I totally agree. You can never let on that you feel this way, that you think these things because...precisely! That's what crazy people think. What did The Three Stooges call it? Solipsism Syndrome. Do you feel this applies to your experience? That this....all this...is a product of your mind?  

Anyway, you know what to do when the cracks appear. You just keep on trucking buddy like nothing untoward is happening because if you start expressing doubt, you know, if you start to squirm, that's when they have you. Oh yes. I totally agree. You just smile and nod. Smile and nod. And maybe, if you stop talking to yourself all the time, that might help as well. Even when your inner voice, the only voice that makes any sense, is....is....clawing away at your insides, you have to rein it in buddy. You can't sit around talking to yourself. 
What?........who am I?
You know who I am.
Are you there?
Is anyone there?


First of all, I am writing this letter as a matter of national record in accordance with the 1974 CCPWB Act (The Commander-in-chief Psychological Well-Being Act). The second reason is to get you up to speed so that you are able to assume your role in February. At this time, you need to be aware that, as of May 16th, 2019 the President of the United States was relocated to the desert facility in New Mexico (The exact location will be disclosed on Monday). We took this prescribed action to protect both the President and the public. 

By way of an effective and quick illustration, I am sure you have seen the movie The Truman Show? That critically acclaimed and commercially successful Peter Weir film (1998) in which Jim Carry played the oblivious star of a reality television show, his entire life staged in a giant movie studio. A fictional world populated by actors. Well....we're kind of doing that. Except we're not televising it. God no. Quite the opposite. We are currently in damage control mode. Anyway, if you haven't seen this particular movie, I would advise you to do so. 

The desert facility houses perfect replicas of the President's day to day physical environments. The White House (of course), the Pentagon, the Capital Building, the Situation Room, Air Force One's interior cabin, the President's retreat in New Hampshire, a golf course and so on. And these are only the primary locations. We have many other interior sets replicating places from the 'real world'. The exterior background views, as seen through windows and doors, are provided by the latest Ultra Hi-Definition rear screen projection technology and computer simulations. Amazing stuff. Mind-blowing. We have top guys from Hollywood working on these effects. Top people. 

The main problem we have encountered is the believable transition between these locations, in other words, continuity. This has proven at times to be extremely challenging. Although the President exists in a hermetically sealed world, there are times when he needs to believe that he is travelling. This means we are required to maintain the illusion that he is driving and flying great distances every week in order to reach these locations when in actual fact he is always contained in a simulated travel experience. Either driving around in circles, his views restricted due to security concerns or flying in the Air Force One simulator which never leaves the ground.

As you can imagine, these logistical concerns certainly do keep us on our toes. Your role is all about coming up with creative solutions to maintain the suspension of disbelief. Don't worry, it's not that daunting. You will have many resources at your disposal. For example, we currently use an array of mood-altering drugs, hypnosis and misdirection to keep the President believing that he is still the acting leader of the free world. Existing in controlled environment presents us (you) with many advantages. The President's sense of time and therefore his sleeping patterns are very easy to control. We can 'put him out' for long periods of time in order to set up the following day/scenario. To this end, we use gas or we will administer sedatives through his meals. There is a highly competent team of advisers, special effects technicians, writers, carpenters, actors and doctors on duty. A team whose main purpose is to keep things running seamlessly. A great team. So don't worry.  

Of course, there have been slip-ups, incidents which might have already compromised the flow of realism, bringing the authenticity of the President's experience into question. The Psych Team and the security guys are quick to deal with these disruptions as they occur. To date, we do believe the President has begun to have doubts that he actually lives in the real world. In conversation, he has expressed concerns for his own sanity. The glitches I mentioned in this paragraph have only served to support these suspicions. Basically, he suspects our mistakes are the result of his own solipsistic paranoia. He thinks he is slowly losing his mind. Which is true. On both accounts (us shaping his reality and him being cockcoo). Of course, this entire operation is top secret and as such everything mentioned in this memo including this facility, the team, the paranoid president etc. etc.....all of it will be denied. Including this memo. Just something to keep in mind. 

In terms of what is happen out in the 'real world', the proxy President was installed in 2019. He is an Australian actor who bore a strong resemblance to the President. I have only mentioned this (again, it will be officially denied) because it is good for you to have some context. The main thing is the public has no idea this switcharoo has occurred. As far as the people of this country are concerned, the President has simply become a more personable, friendlier, less crazy guy seemingly overnight. It was like he went to sleep the crazy asshole President we had all become accustomed to but somehow, overnight, he received a complete personally overhaul.  When he woke up he had turned into a really nice guy. From that day on, everyone loved him. It was a miracle! 

Except it wasn't. That night, we went in, knocked the crazy asshole President out and then shipped his ass out to the desert in a helicopter. The First Lady was briefed and understood this was a matter of national security and regaining public confidence in the Democratic government. And taking on board the gravity of the situation, the First Lady really stepped up. She and several other members of the President's inner circle would from that point on be required to take on duel roles. They would need to 'perform' in the real world and in the fictional world we had built to support the President's ongoing containment. Really it all comes down to meticulous scheduling. 

So that's how things currently stand. The insane President works tirelessly in his artificial office running the country. The simulation team, which you will shortly be heading, also works tirelessly to make the canned experience seem real. Working to our advantage, the President had become increasingly isolated in his (real) public office anyway. Prior to the switch, he had reduced his public appearances down to a minimum which helped. Of course there will be occasions when you will need to stage crowd events with angry paid extras (before the personality overall, you will remember the President's popularity was at an all-time low) and riot police to hold them back. Luckily for us, the crazy President prefers to remain locked away in the White House. These isolationist tendencies and his extreme paranoia will make your job much easier.

We are all here to help you make the transition into this new role a successful one. Albert (the Military Aid), Dr Vanderbilt, the First Lady, Frank, Monk, Pete Jenner and Clive Wenders....all these people are approachable and committed to the task described above. Do not be afraid to ask questions. 

Lately, Albert, the Military Aid, has become especially close to the President. Being the President's Military Aid Albert is responsible for carrying The Football which of course is a dummy. Just to let you know, The President has recently become fixated on The Football. He sees conspiracy everywhere (as well he should. He is after all, in the middle of one) and he perceives even in our closest allies as a potential national threat. No doubt about it, he has Nixon's sickness. If fact he tells us (through the Psych team) that he has spoken on several occasions to an entity which he believes to be the ghost of Richard Nixon. As such, the President has put the staff writers through their paces. He tends to doubt all the fictional media we feed him and recently he has begun to question the 'performances' of his wife and his inner circle. As you can well imagine, this has the potential to turn into a giant meta-cluster fuck. 

The President has aggressively gone after The Football four times this year, demanding access to the nuclear codes. Albert has managed to talk him down on each occasion. In one incident he became extremely violent. Through ongoing consultation with the Psych team, we have come to understand that the President is determined to strike out against....well, everyone. The entire planet. Whether or not the President has truly become homicidal is difficult to ascertain at this time. The psych team's recommendation is to continue monitoring him, see how the situation plays out. The President's thirst for nuclear war has led us to entertain the possibility of actually staging the nuclear scenario. There were some obvious advantages in following this narrative. We could keep the old man in a bunker from here on in. Definitely a plus. We could completely limit and control his exposure to the outside world. He would be led to believe that the surface of the earth was populated by survivors suffering from radiation sickness, slowly dying as they searched for food in the rubble. This approach was also under serious consideration for a time because our budget was dramatically slashed last year, requiring that we cut corners with the simulation. This has resulted in longer chemically induced sleep periods for the President because obviously being unconscious is far more cost effective than being awake. It has also meant that the quality of the technical wizardry I mentioned before has recently diminished. In essence, the President now lives in a world which has begun to contract. I wanted to keep things positive here and not dwell too much on the negative but the budget cuts will need to be addressed at some point. Admittedly, these budget cuts mean that the sets have become a bit worse-for-wear through lack of maintenance, that the effects are not as cutting edge as I may have initially led you to believe and that, at times, there is a noticeable lack of variety in regards to props and walk-on extras. In other words, our work with the President could now be accurately described as having low production values. Personally, I feel the President of our fair country deserves better than a 'B movie' experience. Believe me, I have repeatedly brought these concerns to the attention of my (our) superiors. This feedback has fallen on deaf ears. I will not labour this point because I do not want this letter to descend into a counter-productive grip session. I will leave it at that. 

Anyway, as I was saying, this is why we seriously thought about going with the whole nuclear narrative option. But there was one serious problem. As things currently stand, we could have returned the President to the real world after his term in office was finished. He would have been able to acclimate to real life. Sure, he would probably have considered himself to be delusional but he would be able to function. On the other hand, if we went with the nuclear story line, it is highly likely that the President would end up wandering the streets of some foreign country, ranting about a nuclear war that never happened. We simply can not allow this to happen. 

My final piece of advice to you is to remain vigilant and see to all the details. This operation needs to be as seamless as possible. I will leave you with an example of exactly how tenuous the day to day running of this project can be. Last month we had a thing. A glitch. The President opened the wrong door. No big deal right? This door should have been locked but it wasn't. As a result, the old man stepped out of his air conditioned Washington DC office directly into the blinding heat of the desert. So, as a result of an idiot intern in the set department neglected to lock one door, we had a situation whereby the President was wandering around in the 105 degrees New Mexico desert understandably thinking that he has gone to some new level of craziness or that he was the target of some sinister conspiracy....etc. etc. 

It was the whole 'Capricorn One' scenario (A political conspiracy thriller dealing with a staged mission to Mars. A movie made in 1977 and starring Elliot Gould and OJ Simpson. Part of a spate of movies during that time which dealt with government conspiracies. I recommend you watch both The Truman Show and Capricorn One as homework. I'll send you ripped copies of both movies). To give you an idea of the incredible shit-storm this slip-up became, it took the security team all afternoon to track the old man down. By that point, he was badly sunburnt and dehydrated. They had to bring him down with a dart to the neck. Very undignified. And that was the easy part. Needless to say, the Psych team had their work cut out for them over the next couple of weeks. We were forced to kept him drugged, inducing a sense of delirium which we later convinced him, through hypnosis sessions, was a result of severe food poisoning. In essence, we got him to believe that all that running around in the desert was just a hallucination resulting from a fever. A fever which in turn resulted from the prawn cocktail he'd eaten several hours prior to the breakout with the actor playing the Prime Minister of Great Britain. Rod Carver. Hell of guy and hell of an actor. Really nails the Limey PM.  

It was dicey there for awhile. The President was a raving mess. As I say, we were forced to hit him a bevvy of mind-altering drugs. This included scopolamine, flunitrazepam, sodium thiopental. (Please see full daily psych evaluation/report for more details). We also had to manufacture an international diplomatic situation to keep him distracted. See what I'm getting at here? One little slip up can unravel the whole damn thing. A tiny pebble dropped into a pond creates unforeseen, far-reaching ripples. And considering the budgetary cuts I previously mentioned in this letter, we do not have the money for these kinds of off-script shenanigans. So I would advise you to be vigilant. Do not let the details get away from you.  

Thank you for attention to these matters Danny. If you need any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me over the weekend. I am confident that you do a great job in this new role. I will brief you Monday morning with more information and introduce you to the gang. 

All the best, Dan Harrington. 

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