Thursday, 20 April 2017


My priest....
...did I just say priest?
I meant my dentist....
(...jesus, where did that come from?)
...anyway he killed himself the other day.
I don't mean to sound flippant about all this...
.....I mean, its a sad, terrible thing
...of course it is.
I read somewhere that, statistically speaking, a relatively higher percentage of dentists... know...kill themselves....
...compared to other medical practitioners. 
What is it about dentists? 
Is it because they spend all day looking down into all those gaping mouths?
....all those teeth.... it really so bad?
Maybe it's seeing all those people squirm and grimace?
...jerking in pain...
...gripping the arm rest...
...white-knuckling it...
...terrified of those shiny implements
that little stainless steel sickle-shaped one is by far the worst. I hate that thing. 
For me it's the high pitched sound of the drill...
...that is one of my least favourite sounds in the world.
Anyway, no one is happy to be in that chair...are they?
Certainly not me...
...for me, no matter how hard I brushed, eventually the drill came out. 
English teeth. 

In terms of would think it would be the proctologists right? the end of the biological process.
I couldn't put it together...
...why my dentist would do it.
At first it didn't seem to make sense.
At first. 
He was a wiry guy...
...brisk but professional.
He was bald with thin hairy arms.
Basically, exactly what you'd expect a dentist to look and behave like.
And he had been my dentist for....
...well, ever since I moved to Sydney with my husband in 2005.
According to his family, there was no indication or warning signs.
And the same goes for me... my limited capacity as one of his patients. 
He always seemed the same.
On the day of my appointments, I'd just come in...
...sit in the chair and he'd get to work.
...and this happened every six months.
Like clockwork.
Then, a month ago...
...I rang up to book my regular appointment and there was this voice message...
...followed by a reference to a different dentist.
I didn't think anything of it.
I thought maybe he was on a holiday?
I'd seen a picture of him...
...standing on top of some ruins in Mexico.
Where had I seen that photograph? 
A short time later we got the news...
...that he had killed himself. 
And later on, it was revealed that he had been up to a lot of...
...well...unsavoury things.

One evening he was one the evening news.
Strange seeing such a familiar face being broadcast directly into your living room. 
Deviant sex, drugs and fraud.
And the sex god!
It was all really....weird stuff.
The subsequent newspaper and the TV reports really only implied what had happened.
To some of the other patients... the people he met online.
In the very office where I got my teeth cleaned. 
From this information you could easily connect the dots.
Laughing gas.
A modern day Marquis De Sade.
The dental hygienist was involved as well.
She had seemed like such a nice girl.
She was Scandinavian I believe.
As the story slowly unfolded over time... 
...there was footage of this same girl... the inquest... expensive sunglasses...
...pushing through the media swarm gathered outside the police station in the CBD.
They chased her down the street like a pack of mongrel dogs.
She claimed she was manipulated...
...that she had been under the sway of the dentist...
...a charismatic and highly persuasive individual.
Charismatic and persuasive?
My dentist?
I just couldn't see it. 
But apparently he was.

At the end of the day...
...what do you really know about somebody? 
And I truely believe that your business is your business.
Just as my business is my business.
People have a right to privacy.
Nothing wrong with that.
But these two freaks....? 
...the dentist and his assistance...
...what they did... god.
and I'm no prude. 
Like I say, do what you want...
...within reason.
But my dentist was into everything.
All taboos were broken.
Or so I'm led to believe.

You don't want to dig too deep...
...they say your search history is sold to the highest bidder.
They say we are all beholden to five or six big corporations.
That all our data is being complied somewhere...
...stored up.
Maybe this irrational begin to fear a moral reckoning. 
You have to be careful. 
Anyway, it was the missing money....
...that was the thing that initially caught the government's attention.
He'd been fleecing his patients and his partner in different ways.  
The drugs and the sexual practices came to light because of that inquiry. 
The freaky sex stuff became the icing on the media cake.
He took the whole thing right up to the very edge...
...came to work everyday, a smile on his face, even when he was under investigation.
Even while the authorities were closing in on him.
And three of his female patients reported so-called immaculate conceptions.
Mysterious pregnancies. 
Morning sickness.  
He never put me under general anesthetic.
Thank goodness.
Hank, my husband, was livid. 
I don't remember anything...untoward happening. 
A reassuring pat on the shoulder from time to time, his face leaning into mine, telling me to spit in the little swirling bowl.
On the other hand, that guy had his hands in my mouth.
I think about that from time to time. 
You bet I do. 

The new dentist was older.
He had the same professional manor.
I took a blood test...
...for my own pease of mind.
I was fine...
There was nothing.
The story faded from the headlines. 
Its funny how these things get consumed so quickly...
...then forgotten. 
Life goes on. 
Then we move onto the next thing.
I filled out the paperwork.
The new dentist was gruff... he'd been doing this for too long. 
I sat back in the chair and opened my mouth...
...he started probing around...
Then he said...
"Well...everything seems to be in order".
And that was it.  

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