Monday, 13 June 2016

The ultimatum

Hi David,

How have you been? I thought I should contact you this way because I can never seem to get you on the phone when I need to. I have been working on the paintings for over a month now. I really don't feel comfortable sending you digital photographs and I don't really want to be disturbed at the moment so I'd appreciate if you didn't just drop by like you have in the past. At least call me beforehand. 
Rest assured, all is going well. As we discussed I am sticking with my 'ugly suburban Australia' theme. I have about 14 canvases nearing completion as we speak. Cul-de-sac thugs, shopping centre morons, revheads,  housing estate mongs, the nurse from up the block in her bathing suit, a fag hanging out of her mouth. I am looking for the texture of bad life choices. For human disasters. They make much better subjects. For reference, I have to take very discreet photos of these people with my phone. Its a little creepy but I find it helps. I have gotten quite good at this. I have to admit I kind of get a kick out of being clandestine about taking these photos. Like a private detective. Anyway, in terms of style think of Diane Arbus meets David Hockney. I have real confidence in this new round of work. I have pushed these images much further into abstraction that before and I think this makes them interesting. 
I have a daily routine. I paint from 8-5 like an office job. My serial killer neighbour (not really! He just looks like one) scowls when he sees me coming up the driveway. It's like he is personally insulted by my presence. The paint on my hands, my lack of a conventional job, my music. Anyway, that is what's going on with me. The update.                    
I hate to bring this up again David but I need some money. I know last time we spoke there were 'cash flow' problems and the time before that there was the issue with renewing the lease on the gallery. Basically, if we're being completely honest here David, there is always some kind of problem or reason why payment can't be made. And I get it: you're a busy guy with lots of irons in the fire. And I really don't want to bring any negativity into our relationship-professional or otherwise but you know the old saying? That it takes money to make money? Well, that applies to art as well. And I don't want you to think of me as ungrateful. I appreciate that you bought me all those new materials and that you took me out to dinner once or twice but this doesn't negate the fact that I still need some money from the sales of my previous paintings. 
I know you said there were unforeseen expenses, behind the scenes costs, catering and promotion, but some of that money needs to come my way. Without getting accusatory, I know exactly how much those paintings made because, as you well know, I was there at the opening. Of course, I was. I'm the bloody artist for god sakes! I know they all sold - apart from the small one of Hamish. I saw the stickers going up. We were all toasting the success of the show. Remember? Glasses clinking, high-fives, people buying art left, right and centre?
I guess what I'm really saying here David is I'm not happy. Not by a long shot. And I hate being like this man, you know, banging on about money because it's boring and tedious but this is the position you have put me in. I have my own bills to pay. And to be perfectly honest with you I'm getting anxious about these bills. I would much rather focus my emotional energy on my painting.  

As I write this I'm working my way through this bottle of 


As I type this out, as I think about the last couple of months, I find myself going through a lot of ups and downs. Emotionally speaking. No doubt you can tell this from the shift in tone. Look, I don't like confrontation. You know that about me. But the thing is, I'm starting to feel a little betrayed here man because your version of 'managing me' seems to involve keeping every cent we...I make with MY artwork. I'm not even sure what it is exactly that you do David? Apart from drive around in your father's fucking Austin Martin, banging decrepit heiresses and generally plaguing my life with weird subterfuge and mind games

seems to involve some good exposure opportunities but I was hoping to use the money I should have earned by now to improve my life in a few different ways. I want to find a new apartment, somewhere out of this neighbourhood. It's great for inspiration but I would like to live somewhere less...industrial someday. I would also like to get some dental work done because I have these two root canals that need seeing to, and they're not gonna get better by themselves. I also have credit card debt. Debt I have racked up while functioning as an unemployed artist. Debt which- correct me if I'm wrong- you promised you would be reimbursed me for. 
I will have a total of 18 new paintings and I honestly think they will all be exceptional pieces of work but I must begin to protect myself. Financially speaking. That is why I won't be just handing them over to you as planned on the 18th. Now we both know you are a very persuasive guy. That is no secret. You have a gift for bullshit

kidding me? You never stop talking. Okay? Okay? I get it. You need to talk until there is no oxygen left in the room. I still have the sound of your voice in my head man from last time David. I 

a gift for....a gift....for what? 

I don't know how you do it, but each time we come to this junction, this fork in the road, you find a way to bloody well talk me out what I need to do. What I want to do. What is best for me. So basically, what's happening is, you David, are stealing from me and I'm too stupid to prevent it happening. That's what is happening here. That is the truth Well not anymore fucktard. Forget it. I know the way you live. Fucking art world James Bond lifestyle bullshit out every goddamn night of the week while I'm stupidly working my arse off making money for you  

I think

I feel that

The truth is you can talk most people into doing what you want them to do. It's
an admirable skill. I wish I had it. And I am aware that without you my paintings might have never been exhibited. I might have stayed in abject obscurity forever. An art school graduate with a service industry job. Actively keeping my annual earnings merger enough so that the government doesn't bother deducting extra money to cover my student debt. What an ambition! I acknowledge the fact that it was your gallery space in Surry Hills where I had my first show. Absolutely. And you introduced me to

your weird, wealthy, fucking overmedicated zombie trust fund friends who wouldn't know good art from bad even if it kicked them in the arse. How do you get off playing with people's lives like this? And I know what you did to Felix. How when he didn't play ball, you just got some other sucker from the academy to imitate his work. How you hired an actor to play him at the openings. What is that? That's fraud man. Fraud.  


oh stop...jesus

I think it is time to reestablish the perimeters of our professional relationship David. We need to get on the same page when it comes to what my end of each sale should be. This is my alternator

my automata?

my ultimatum! This is my final decision man. Either I see some money from the last show or I go with someone else. I hope you understand. 

and fuck off

Kind regards, 


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